I'm sulking.
I had my grade 8 piano exam this morning and I screwed up half of it. I screwed up my minor scale and my first and third piece. I know I can play very well in my first piece but somehow I panicked and screwed up everything. *Sigh* And my aural, not too bad but also not that good. My sight reading, as always, sucks.
Sad... I'm actually sad for my minor scale and my first piece. I expect both of these to be good but ended up I ruin these two.
I just hope I could pass.
Anyway, as I said, my friend's dog had just gave birth to 7 puppies. Here are the pictures.
When I took pictures of them, they are already learning how to walk and their eyes just opened their eyes. So by now, they are around 3 weeks old already. Guess they can run around by now~ ^^
The last three picture, is the one I'm adopting. But cause my dad wouldn't allow me to bring her home, I asked my friend to take care of her for me and I'll visit her from time to time and maybe buy her food. I name her Bear Bear...or should change to Kuma-chan? Cause in the second last picture she really looked like a baby bear ne? ^^ Next time, when i go visit her, I'll buy her a big pretty ribbon and tie on her neck. <333
The other day, I went to my friend's house and took a few pictures of his dog name Chloe. I love her so much!
Everytime I go to his house, she would stand up (like in the first pic) and starts barking at me even before I enter his house. Then when I gave her my hand, she started to chew them and play with it excitedly. Aw... So cute.
But, my friend said his dad is gonna sell her off cause she stinks. (She really stinks a lot sometimes) I'm so sad. I love her a lot. He has got another white poodle name Romeo. I didn't really like Romeo cause he's not that active. I hope Chloe wouldn't be sold off.
Oh, and a sad news to everyone... I think I'll stop making wallies from now on. Cause I don't really have the time now and I don't really have time to download their scans and stuff neither. I'm sorry. But maybe from time to time when I'm free, I'll make a few. Maybe like during their birthdays or anniversary and stuff~ ^^
GOMENASAI~!! *Bows down*