I had a hard time falling asleep last night ... I couldn't turn my brain off ... had an even harder time waking up this morning ... good thing I got to listen to the alarm clock beep for 32 minutes ...
Work was extrememly productive yesterday. Got to work on time (yay). Helped Eric with street dates in Tim's absence until around 8:30, had the huddle, ate some quick breakfast, researched appliances/tabletop/plastics/storage/pets/dairy/frozen. I think between what Ryan shot and what I shot we got out 13 flatbeds/tubs - pushed all of that, worked the CAFs, I covered the middle for Ryan's lunch while being LOD, stopped for a 10 minute lunch inhalation, did my LOD stuff, left AND got to school on time - it was a good day.
I'm off today to hang out w/ my Aunt and Uncle, then the ETL dinner ... that should prove interesting. Going to the Sonic meet after dinner. That will be fun - it's always fun.
Training modules @ 1760 all day Thursday. E1 on Friday. Off the weekend :)
Had a fascinating guest speaker last night ... Dr. Gary Latham (
http://www.rotman.utoronto.ca/facbios/viewFac.asp?facultyID=latham) ... he had some really inspiring words to say ... if I get around to it, I'll type some of it here.