Aug 04, 2006 00:53
sooooooooo i got up at 6am go kayaking cuz i'm crazy like that and then decided itd be good to pack up my shtuff cuz we were leaving at 11 to come back home and it seemed like we were on the road ferever drivingdrivingdrivingdrivingdrivingfrivingdrivingdrivingdrivingdriving anywhoo
as soon as i get home my loverly saviour calls me "rachel" "hey steph ya wanna hang out?" "sure! as long as i don't have to unpack yet" start of a wonderful evening!!!
so now its about 9.30 and rachel says "hey steph after watching 4 hours of gilmore girls i have come to a conclusion.... i can't watch anymore!!!!!!!!!!! lets go for a walk" "why rachel, i was just about to say the same thing! Lets!"
oh but we don't decide to just walk... we decide to scooter!! electric scooter! OMG THESE THINGS ARE AMAZING!!!!! but anyway... we riding down 9 mile and these guys are playing in the soccer field and rachel and i give them catcalls and they givem back it was so funny! then we decide to cross taft and go into these guys subdivision that we went to grade school with cuz we always used to go in their before and talk to them and torment them and we hadn't done it in a while!... i almost got hit by a car cuz my scooter was like dieing!!! it was quite funny actually rachel almost fell off her scooter from laughing so hard!
"rachel watch out for the parked cars" 4 of them actual!
so on our way back from causing a ruckus outside old friends house we head back to my house to find a few people that rachel know in the parking lot and of course one of them is a guy she likes.... so i GOTTA go introduce myself and he is FINE!! and we all talked for a long time and tonight was so much fun!!
i swear those scooters give you a really weird high!!!