TV on too loud

Sep 10, 2015 13:33

Those of you still left here may see me posting more often here. I am getting very weary of Facebook. Even though I have trimmed down who and what I see, it is still too crowded, insular and blatantly like an electronic billboard, something out of Blade Runner. I feel more and more like I am being hammered by a never-ending stream of bullshit infotainment and half-spoken, broken conversations yelled across a TV turned up far too loud.

Facebook is starting to rattle me and create a sort of overexposed, kid-who-ate-too-much-sugar vibrational hyperactivity whenever I get on there. I feel more and more that I am being manipulated into a consumerism that is disguised as social media (which I feel funny about anyway).

I went to a library recently to hear a presentation on Louisiana churches and graveyards, and it was wonderful to be there. The quietness of it was one thing, but the humanity of it was quite another. There were books in shelves, organized and placed there by humans according to a system that was working long before the Internet. (The Dewey Decimal System began to be used in 1876 and is still being used by most libraries in the United States.)

The smell of books also has something to do with it as well. It helps me return to a time and place in the 60s and 70s. To memories of the Gulfport Public Library and spending hours of time there, just walking the aisles and browsing books, one after the other. Sometimes checking something out, sometimes not, sometimes checking out the same book two or three times. (Or more; A Wrinkle In Time got re-read an awful lot.)

I think I am heading up to a point where I am going to disconnect from Facebook for a while, or at the very least, cut back on how often I look at it. I have this outlet, and I don't mind Google Hangouts, but this weird feeling I am getting from Facebook is getting too strong to ignore.
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