Fuck White Cracker Trash, Fuck The Confederate Flag, Fuck the Police, and Fuck You AmurKKKa

Jun 18, 2015 21:48

Please take notes. However, there will be no questions later as we do not question Law Enforcement here in AmurKKKa.

Let me put it on the line here. The cops beat down a 14-year-old girl for using a public swimming pool, they shoot a 12-year-old boy for carrying a toy gun, they shot Michael Brown six to eight times (twice in the head) for nobody really knows what - either stealing cigars at best, talking back to a cop, attempting to surrender, or maybe just absolutely nothing.

But this guy Dylann Roof gets a polite pull-over.

"Oh, sir, you're the person who killed nine Negroes in a church? Well, I'm so sorry, I'm afraid we have to arrest you sir, please step out of the car. Oh, don't hurt yourself opening the door, you have such delicate white fingers. My, I love your haircut, it's such a fashion forward statement. I do hate to put cuffs on you, I know it might hurt your little wrists. Here, let me give you a bulletproof vest in case one of those darkies or their white race traitor sympathizers should dare to try to hurt you."

You know what: I'm going to say this loud and clear.


Why didn't he get shot twice in the head and six times in the chest like Michael Brown? I'll tell you why, because he wasn't black.

It's a damn good thing I am not a cop because it sure as hell would have played out different.

"Oh yeah, I mean, he was armed and dangerous. I thought he was reaching under the seat! No, really, I did. That's why I emptied a .9 mm into his head. Sorry! Sure I'll fill out the paperwork. I mean, that's the least I can do. It's a terrible thing, but, I mean, he was a dangerous criminal."

No, you know what's going to happen is this piece of shit asshole is going to get Gloria Allred and Alan Dershowitz and every god damn white celebrity lawyer in the United States on his game, and he will end up pleading "insanity," and he will spend the rest of his life being fed and housed and given medications and pampered and treated like a king on my dime and your dime in some mental health facility.

And he'll get to see his family on Christmas and Easter and get cake and ice cream on his birthday, which is more than you can say for the NINE PEOPLE HE KILLED IN COLD BLOOD.


It's a damn good thing I'm not a cop because this motherfucker would have been unrecognizable by the time I got through with him. At this point the best we can hope for is that somehow he gets the death penalty and they put him in the chair and pump enough juice through him to make his god damn eyes pop out of his skull and explode, while he pisses and shits on himself screaming, because THAT IS WHAT HE DESERVES.

Kill Michael Brown, beat down little girls, shoot down little boys playing with toys, break into people's houses and kill their dogs and their children - and THIS MOTHERFUCKER GETS KID GLOVES. He lives. He gets to smirk at us from the pictures of him in his handcuffs.

What the FUCK is wrong with this country. What the FUCK is wrong with the police? What the FUCK is going on?
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