Last Weekend's Photos

May 10, 2006 00:00

Happy is recovering nicely now. Monday morning, her collar was taken off, stitches and shunt removed. Although there are open holes from the shunt, they are rapidly closing and Happy is still on the Amoxicillin mediciation. Mother keeps the holes clean if Happy has been rolling around. Happy is venturing more and more out of the master bedroom and doing her normal routines, including sunbathing on the balcony. We don't know if Happy will ever want to go out the front door again since she was attacked there, and she flees if she hears someone on the steps.

Happy spent much of her time on the Big Bed, snuggled between blankets and pillows

Molly was scared of Happy's collar she took to the top of the Refrigerator

So we put a blanket there for Molly to be more comfortable. She liked that.

Monday, Happy's shunt was taken out and she was free of the dreaded collar. First task? Grooming!

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