Stupid 2009!!

Jan 01, 2010 12:18

Apparently, while everyone was busy preparing for countdown and watching countdown concerts with their friends and family, i was having my my worst day ever.

I quarreled with my dad yesterday cuz he went mad and wanted to call my so called "uncle" who repair coms to come repair my antique BOX PC cuz he wanted to use it!! I got that pc when i was in ( Read more... )


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Comments 27

waku_waku January 1 2010, 05:21:13 UTC
awwww.. *pats*
that is an unexpected way to celebrate new year but just think if it as one day gone bad. of course i can only tell you kinds words but not be able to help you but I hope you think positive and smile even if it sucks. at least you have a home to do to, and your parents with you. I know your 2010 will be better and brighter so cheer up! :)
Happy New Year to you!


happydaysx January 1 2010, 05:28:21 UTC
Thanks so much for the encouragement, i really needed that. I'm feeling much better now after all the rambling. and thanks again for taking your time to read such a long long rant, lol. Happy 2010! Have a wonderful New Year!!


waku_waku January 1 2010, 05:32:12 UTC
You're welcome! No worries, I'd like to be there for my friends because sometimes you can't really rant on random people so you need to just write it out and get it all out..


happydaysx January 1 2010, 05:38:47 UTC
Thanks again, i dont really have anyone to talk to since i'm the only child and i don't really have anyone to rant to. Sorry if this sort of spoiled your new year spirit. *HUGS*


jenni06 January 1 2010, 05:22:54 UTC
Ahh ! I sympathize w/ you, this day wasn't really one of the best for me too ...
During these holidays, I was depressed and alone~~ (friends out of the country and w/ boyfriend) and finished at a dinner w/ my parent's guests quarelling each other about immigration rules ... WTH was it ??I left them after midnight with 3 straight glass of champagne in me, went back home and crying in front of ARASHIXEITO perf, dunno why T__T
I did a recap of this year, and was more 'n more depressed ...
I slept a little and i'm better now. It's a new year, don't discourage urself !

Gambare~~ yo! Sorry about bringing my little story but just to tell u, that you're not the only one who spent a WONDERFUL day ...

Oh and Happy new Year =)
Wish you the best, really ... <3


happydaysx January 1 2010, 05:36:12 UTC
*shakes hand*
I feel better that i'm not the only one having a hard time during the new year. *am i evil?*

lol, wad was the immigration rule about...why would they even start that talk? but at least ur house was not as quite as mine. I cried too. i was thinking about how rough 2009 was for me and how my New Year end up so ruined. I feel better now too! Don't be discourage either dear! I'm with u all the way^^

I am really glad that you are willing to share this with me. It would be unfair that you have to listen to my rant when your didnt enjoy yourself either. Thanks so much!

Happy 2010 to you too! All the best and i hope that 2010 will be a better year for both of us!


jenni06 January 1 2010, 05:54:00 UTC
We have to help each other ne ?=) (that's why I LOVE this fandom xD)

It wasn't only the immigration rule, but at the beginnin' we were only 5 (papa mama and the two guests + me), and they were totally criticizing the one who was coming at the dinner (we were at my parents' restaurants), then when he comes, they were like all friendly :D <== like this T_T then it happened that the guest and the "new" guest are married to a foreigner and that's how the fight began XD
Immediately, I went back home (there's 50m beteween the restaurant and my flat xD)and were totally depressed, but I totally felt that I was going to spend this kind of day but it's hard ne ?

furthermore, when my mum said to me her wishes, she added : STUDY STUDY ! and above all NO LOVE ! NO BOYFRIEND! ( u know how asian people is fond of this rule T_T) It made me even more depressed >.<" but there's no way I can continue like this xDD ( ... )


happydaysx January 1 2010, 06:27:49 UTC
Yessh~ Please come to me if you need any help/encouragement, i'll surely do my best!

Oh, grown ups are like that. What they act and say behind and infront of ppl are different. That's y i don't really wanna grow up sometimes, the adult world seem fake. Okay, now i understand why they were talking abt the immigration rule, sometimes its just better to not care and just accept what it is than to make your stand. It make things less complicated.

lol, all mums are like that. If you can maintain a balance between study and relationships, it doesn't really matters. This is youth XD Just make sure that you don't dissapoint yourself. Enjoy when you have the chance!

Yessh! It would be better! and i'm going to start learning jap this year^^

You're too? I'm surprised. I didn't know i have a anm staff on my f-list! Yoroshiku!!
I sure will^^ if my connection sucks. *bows to mirror woman* If you need help with ur layout or graphics plz feel free to ask me too!!


miszterius January 1 2010, 05:43:17 UTC
Sigh. I'm so sorry to hear that. Nevertheless I'm sure that the rest of 2010 will be better for you. It still has way more to go anyways. Forget whatever sucky that has happened. Remember, Arashi will always be there for you whenever you feel sad! And so do I! :)


happydaysx January 1 2010, 06:30:20 UTC
2010 will surely be better, if not, i'll make it better myself^^ Thanks so much for hearing my rant, i feel much much better^^ All the best for 2010 too dear! Arashi will always be with us no matter what happens ne?^^


jworks January 1 2010, 07:48:41 UTC
I still want to wish you a Happy 2010!

Happy New Year Cindy! :)


happydaysx January 1 2010, 08:10:32 UTC
Awww, thanks so much!

Happy 2010 dear!!


xelixira January 1 2010, 08:14:17 UTC
aww ): i'm sorry about that. i didn't exactly have the perfect new years either but lets just hope 2010 gets better for both of us yeah? <3

take caree~


happydaysx January 1 2010, 08:54:57 UTC
oh yessh yessh! Hope for the better and not the perfect^^ I like that! All the best for 2010 dear! Hope that it would be better than 2009 <3

You take care too!


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