(no subject)

May 10, 2003 01:19

One more thought before I go to bed.

I am soo good at getting people addicted to Friends!!! I deserve and award. I deserve tickets to a taping(which I had but it got cancelled and now i'll never get to go :(

but yeah--anyways. My friend Sarah used to hate Friends, she loves it now, thanks to me talking about it so much. Sue likes it(and never watched til I made her) I have other friends i've gotten hooked on it and my crowing achivment is Laurie and Neal. When I came here to work/live they had never seen one episode. Thru my tapes, Thur nite eps and reruns they have seen them all. Laurie even read my books and borrowed my dvds/tapes to watch. They get just as excited as me each Thur and look foreward to each new episode. it's soo funny--cause at first they thought the show was kinda stupid but now they are hooked.
Laurie likes the character of Joey the best, cause he is funny and she is unsure as to whehter R/R were on a break or not but Neal says they were not and it was Ross's fault.

oh and next year at the Teen School(it's a Hebrew/Jewish school) Laurie teaches at on Wed nites(she has 8th graders and 9th graders) they want a class based on Friends(she did a Torah values thru tv class last year and used some Friends ep as examples) she isnt for sure but she's thinking of doing the Friends class and if so, I get to help come up with ideas and episodes for it.
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