Joe has a spiffy new blog!

Jan 29, 2004 21:34

So, Travis suggested I try this blog thing out. Seems cool. I guess now I have a better way of venting than talking to my dog (who just gets confused, since he doesn't speak English. Although he'll do that head-tilt thing that's soooo cute.)

I'm a little pissed today. Thing is, my 21st birthday is next month, and I was so looking forward to going out of down and doing something crazy. But it turns out my boss is going out of town that week, and thus I'm stuck working. Working more than usual, in fact, because of him being out of town. Damn him.

So now I have to figure out how to have a reeeeally awesome 21st birthday when I'm stuck in Palm Beach County. And when I have to be at work the next morning at 11.

My birthday is going to suck. :-(
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