Aug 20, 2008 23:35
Before I forget, I just want to tell about this awesomely vivid Star Wars dream I had last night:
I was in a star fighter, dog fighting this absolutely MASSIVE star destroyer. I mean, this thing was planet-sized. I almost couldn't see the shape of it, it was so huge. I managed to land my ship in the hangar, which was rather unlit, like the power grid was out and all that was left were a few emergency lamps here and there. Yoda appeared, and we ended up inching our way along this dark-as-night narrow ridge that was illuminated only by strips of glowing LED lights and dropped into a mighty dark chasm in the ship (there's always one of those!). I recall clearly that I was in an orange-and-white flight suit. We were after this little blond-haired boy that was trying to crawl away from us. I had this idea that he was Anakin Skywalker. I ended up getting to the kid before Yoda did, and the next thing I knew, I was back at the Rebel base, holding him and introducing him to everybody there. He was Luke, and only about four years old. One of the people I introduced him to was Padme, and she murmured to me, "I'm his mommy." I murmured back, "I know," but it was clear that Luke didn't know, and was not to find out about this.
Then I woke up. I feel very strongly that there is a fanfic in this somewhere.
star wars,