First of all, here's a KFC commercial that boggled my mind a bit:
Click to view
Secondly, I wonder what the hold-up is on releasing
"Blood and Fire: Part II"? The first part came out around Christmas, and now here it is May. They're continuing to do principle photography for other episodes (they're currently working on the eighth episode, "Kitumba"), but there's been no word on a release date for part II at all. I love these guys' work, and the fact they do so much with nothing but volunteer efforts is amazing. I'd love to find
a way to participate (even if it's just mailing them a Wal-Mart gift card), but that would mean developing some kind of skill in the movie biz. I think it'd be fun to be a production assistant, you know? One of those peons who runs around doing little things for everybody that make the whole project work even though most people won't care or even know what you do.
That's the thing; I'm a fairly resourceful person, and as much as I love Cawley's committment to quality, I wonder if some way couldn't be found to also boost quantity. Maybe fewer Enterprise-bound stories? Go on location, limit your action to fistfights and phasers instead of epic space battles that have to be drawn in by hand on a computer. I know these people all have day jobs and families that limit the amount of time and money they can spend on these stories. I can't help thinking there's got to be ways to increase their output without sacrificing the quality, especially considering the source material! (Rubber-suited Gorn, anybody?) Until Paramount finally wizes up and takes this gem and whittles it down to a bland, glossy, corporately strangled webseries recast with prettier people full of exploitable UST with each other and sidelining Cawley with a mere producer's credit, these guys need all the help and support we can give them. Sadly, the only thing none of us can really offer them is more time in the day or weeks in the year, and this inconsistent production schedule is a growing blemish on an increasingly-professional-looking product.