hung out one-on-one with estranged best friend Cori on thursday for the first time in more than 4 years. went to a gay bar; talked about vaginas, computers, and my ex-boyfriend
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Hi - I don't know you, but I saw through your comments at comedyjim's LJ and then at your own LJ that you're a vegan American coming to England shortly. I did the same thing two years ago, and am now living permanently in Exeter (south of Bristol.) I love it here - so glad I moved out of the US. Anyway, just thought I would say hi. It looks like you've already made a lot of UK friends, but if you have any questions geared towards another vegan American in the UK (like what the hell is black pudding?!), feel free to email me at ccd203 (at) ex (dot) ac (dot) uk. Hope you have a great time in England!
hey, nice! we should meet up sometime. i'm arriving next week and will be in the UK until mid-december, and i'm already planning on going down to exeter to talk to professors and learn about their geography and ecology masters/doctorate programs.
Well by coincidence I'm a PhD student researching conservation psychology at the University of Exeter. I know some of the sustainable development/human geography people because the research overlaps quite a bit. Stewart Barr teaches most of the sustainable development MSc classes (in the human geography dept) - if you ever want to know the most efficient regression equation that can be used to predict an individual's likelihood to recycle, he's your man. Let me know when you'll be around Exeter.
Yay! Photos! They will go in my mini-gallery, also known as my hallway at home!
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