Jan 18, 2010 17:56
I've come to understand that in this world we are all slaves. I have come to understand that INCOME TAX is illegal because there is no law that states we must pay federal income tax. In fact there have been several cases that have been decided by the supreme court and in all the case the defendants have won because there is no law. The 16th amendment according to the U.S Supreme court did NOT give the Govt the ability to impose a new tax. They also define income as something generated from some sort of corporate profit not your wages from work. This my friends is a huge scam perpertrated by the Federal Reserve a NON govt agency own by a mysterious group of people unknown even to Congress. Non of the money generated from your income is use in any govt. program or service it all goes to the hands of greedy bankers. This is the actual NEW WORLD order that we have I am sure heard about in one way or another. It is enforce by fear and that is why nobody stops paying because we are scared of the IRS. If you don't believe me write to your Senator or IRS agency and demand to see an actual law that shows you MUST PAY INCOME TAX at the federal level.
Love is great for me these days and I live in a new apartment which I am loving. All is fantastic in my life even if money isn't where I would like it to be. But then again I am merely a slave under the false belief that I am free. Welcome to the Matrix.