Nov 28, 2005 13:04
Wish I could go back to Michigan and hide a bit longer.
The minute I landed in LAX, the stress pounded me into the ground, it was so heavy and sudden. And because of the stress, I have found it fun to punt by loitering on line and catching up on my friends and e-mails. Still in denial of stuff I have to do, and will most likely be in this happy state until tomorrow when I start up quenching experiments again.
Thanksgiving: Michigan was fun; I managed to get home before the snow hit, so I was able to enjoy the lovely snow from inside my house with my family. Extended family arrived on Thursday, which was less fun, because LOUD!Uncle Emery and ANNOYING!Cousin Philip were of the group. Thanksgiving dinner was at the home of a family friend. Asian!Thanksgiving dinner consists of Turkey, mashed potatoes, ham, and ten bijillion Asian dishes, spanning sushi to fried noodles to smelly chicken. It is at the same time paradise and completely gross. :p
Got back on Saturday and spent a pretty fun remainder of my weekend with J and his lab group; Kings and Blackhawk hockey on Saturday, and another Thanksgiving dinner yesterday night.
My tummy has grown to two times its size and is not quite comfortable with this sudden change.
NaNo news: Well, I'm currently at 41,824 words. I was keeping on track through my visit to Michigan, but was lax in writing this past weekend. As a result, I'll have some catching up to do later today. However, as always, interactions with my family and extended family has inspired me for a set of scenes. Writing has been a lot smoother since I changed Jamie Morland to a girl and sent her off to Sierra Leone. :p
Have had a lot of revelations re: my Emma story as well. One of the reasons why I was eager to take on NaNo was to get some necessary distance from Emma and Greg. It's worked, because I'm getting revved about jumping back on the project...
nano 2005