Got tagged...

May 10, 2005 01:00 lelu

1) Total number of films I own on DVD/video

2) The last film I bought
Dave (for $9.99!!!!)

3) The last film I watched
About a Boy (I spent a good 4 units watching that movie, but it was well-spent!)

4) Five films that I watch a lot that mean a lot to me.
1) Emma (GP/JN edition) A beautiful adaptation of my favorite Austen...and with *sigh* Jeremy Northam
2) Clueless Where one adaptation goes, another great must follow :)
3) Next Stop Wonderland Just a beautiful movie in general. And when I first moved out to CA, I would watch it whenever I got lonely for Boston.
4) Atlantis. I know! What the heck?!?! I can't explain why I always watch it. I think it's because of Michael J. Fox's voice. It's absolutely lovely. I adore MJF. :)
5) Kiki's Delivery Service The absolute most important one. I watch this when I burn out at work and worry that I won't ever like chemistry again. I loved Spirited Away, and I own it, but this was the story that most inspired me.

5) Tagging five people! You can choose to do it or not, but if you do, tag five more people!
to be quite honest, I'm curious about everybody on my flist's response to this, but I typed down the first five people that came to mind (and the ones that showed up on my inbox :p)
1) wendybarron
2) jennlynnfs
3) the_marchioness
4) bijoux
5) dctemo_13


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