Jan 09, 2008 01:58
On Sunday, we had to have my dog, Oreo, put to sleep. She was 16 1/2 years old and her health was definitely not at its best, so the vet said it was the best decision for her. I picked her out of our neighbors' dog's litter back home in Ligonier. I was 10. We shared the same birthday. I taught her to catch popcorn. I took her to school in 7th grade. She thought she was a horse, she thought she was a bloodhound, she thought she was a person. She loved everyone. She would have let any stranger into our house as long as they gave her a pat on the head as they passed by. Luckily, both our houses are in safe areas. Unconditional love.
I'm trying to focus on my upcoming trip to Chicago this weekend, but every time I go into the kitchen and don't see her staring at me from the hallway, or go outside and don't see her "guarding" the house from her bed......She's a good dog.