Petition: Save Our Economy: Legalize Marijuana in California!

Mar 01, 2009 20:20

Save Our Economy: Legalize Marijuana in California!

About this Petition:

California Assemblyman Tom Ammiano has introduced A.B. 390, a common sense bill to legalize, tax, and regulate marijuana in order to bolster the state's economy.

During the Great Depression, we repealed alcohol prohibition to save money and bring in tax revenue. We can do it again.

You do not have to live in California to sign this petition.

California Assemblyman Tom Ammiano has introduced A.B. 390, a common sense bill to legalize, tax, and regulate marijuana in order to bolster the state's economy.

During the Great Depression, we repealed alcohol prohibition to save money and bring in tax revenue. We can do it again.

You do not have to live in California to sign this petition. (show less)

The Desired Outcome of this Petition:

California passes A.B. 390 and legalizes marijuana, which sets off a chain reaction of similar legislation in other states and at the federal level. Federal marijuana prohibition comes tumbling down.



To: California State Assembly
We petition that…

Now is the perfect time to legalize, tax & regulate marijuana.

While the nation is suffering from a financial crisis, the marijuana business is booming. With more than 2.5 million Californians using marijuana monthly, it is the state's number one cash crop, worth $14 billion per year.

Assemblyman Tom Ammiano's bill to regulate marijuana like alcohol would generate more than $1 billion per year in tax revenue to the state of California. It would also save the $1 billion that is currently spent enforcing marijuana prohibition.

How will this affect our children? Currently, minors find it easier to buy marijuana than alcohol or cigarettes because drug dealers don't ask for ID. We've seen youth tobacco use drop as a result of age restrictions and eduction, and the same will be true with marijuana.

Don't pass up $2 billion per year in order to keep waging a failed war on marijuana. Please support A.B. 390.

The Undersigned
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