I've had an ear infection for the past month. It's not fun. Fluid leaking out of my ear on random occasions. Wheeee. Goddamnit. No medical insurance, no way to get some Ofloxacin. Fucking sucks. I'm running a risk of suffering brain damage and going deaf, blind, and dumb, if this damn thing continues.
In other news, my mice humped like rabbits and multiplied like Roman Catholics (no offense, sorry) and wreaked havoc on the apartment. The little fuckers stank, they ate and slept constantly, shit on anyone who tried to play around with them, and escaped from every kind of cage/habitat I put them in. They chewed holes in two of them, making them useless. Little fuckers are gone now, fortunately. Puddah (my roommate's cat) had fun chasing the little whores everytime they escaped, and the rats ignored the little fuckers, but I traded them all for a big, fat male rat. He's got quite the package on him. Balls big enough to make my roommate jealous. *laughs* Hope he can do his thing and get the other two pregnant. I wouldn't mind having more baby rats. They're cuter and easier to deal with than mice, as they don't chew the FUCK out of EVERYTHING! *sigh*
A few days ago I ran across (more like they ran over me) this utter wierdo on Yahoo Messenger. He/she was sort of amusing, to say the least....
"The Tale of Mr. Hempy and the Forest of Pot!" as told to me.
bonghittter420: DO YOU HEAR IT IN THE FOREST??
americangothik: Do bears shit in the woods?
bonghittter420: I THINK SO
americangothik: Do trees make a sound when they fall and there's no one there to hear?
bonghittter420: YES THE DO
americangothik: Good answer, I guess
bonghittter420: THE MAKE A FALLING SOUND
bonghittter420: THEY*
americangothik: Do they scream?
bonghittter420: NO
americangothik: ok
americangothik: so who might you be, then?
bonghittter420: THE SMOKE POT
americangothik: Mr Ranger?
bonghittter420: THEY*
bonghittter420: Mr KITTLES
bonghittter420: I AM THE ONE
americangothik: the only?
bonghittter420: MR.KITTLES THE GREAT!!!!
bonghittter420: I SMELL THAT POT
bonghittter420: SNIFF SNIFF*
americangothik: pot? where?
bonghittter420: thje forest
bonghittter420: the*
americangothik: boiling on the stove?
bonghittter420: no no the forest
bonghittter420: forest landscape in the trees by the woods
americangothik: Robert Smith's forest?
bonghittter420: its like ganjiville only with a smile instead of a laugh
bonghittter420: maybe
bonghittter420: maybe mr.moonshines forest
bonghittter420: and little hempy the bullfrog
bonghittter420: can you smell it yet???
americangothik: nah, my nose is plugged up
bonghittter420: ahhh no no no>