What You Really Think Of Your Friends
Mark is your host brother and almost best friend.
You truly love everybody who is cool enough.
You consider Jessi your true rabbit.
You know that Flory is always thinking of you...in bed.
You'll remember Blue-Haired Girl for the rest of your life.
You secretly think Cortney is creative, charming, and a bit too dramatic at times, as well as incredibly hott.
You secretly think that Alicia is colorful, impulsive, and a total risk taker. Her boyfriend is probably Jewish.
You secretly think that Merit is loyal and trustworthy to you. And that Merit changes lovers faster than underwear. And that she loves cats. In bed.
You secretly think Caleb is shy and non confrontational. And that Caleb has a hidden internet romance. Ah, it's not a secret anymore!!
What Do You Think of Your Friends?