Update of berry's life....

Apr 15, 2007 07:34

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a long time, I feel rude. :(

Anyways, I have found the addictive nature of facebook, but I think I'm reverting back to my old lingering ways of livejournal and myspace.....strange. I really am rather pathetic about the internet.

So, I submit paperwork by the end of next week.....meaning, that in about a month or so I will start expecting to know where I shall spend the next year and a half of my life......jitterbug, jitterbug! :)

Also this summer holds so many wonderful things! My good friend and a cousin is getting married and I'm throwing the shower, two friends graduate school and I get to come (road trip!)! And then, of course, AX! We're pushing about nine people in our hotel room....you?

Strange thing though, I don't really find myself watching anime or reading manga much anymore.....I hate to say that I'm growing out of it, because when I do see it I enjoy it, but hmmm....what's the phrase....oh, I don't know. I got into it in the first place because I thought the artwork for some of the series' was pretty....maybe I should just stick to that. That would also explain my strange fascination with Artist Alley....and oh!

I just got Final Fantasy 11.....hm, interesting. I'm happy to be back playing video games, it's been awhile. And sadly, my Advent Children DVD is missing.....not good. That does NOT make for a happy me. At all. My Dad was pretty upset too.....he loves that movie.

Message me if you're going to AX....then we can meet for brunch or something. :)
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