Oct 29, 2007 20:20
Well, all you cats and kittens seem so pre-occupied with that you're going to wear on Halloween, don't you? For us demons, in my world, anyway, doing anything on Halloween is the social equivelent of going bobsledding on the Titanic. It's simply not done.
Nope, this is the only day in the year I can go outside without covering every inch of skin and not have humans assuming I'm going to eat them. I can say I'm a demon and there will be no screaming. Though they usually think my horns are fake.
Fred thinks I should be Kermit. But, as I pointed out to her, this has a few pitfalls: 1; Only she and Spike are allowed to call me Kermit, 2; I am not an amphibian and 3; I can kick that frogs ASS.
Took a while for you to start clapping, didn't it, Angel-Cakes?
it's not easy being green,