I exercised my heart today! I walked to the post office and back for the second day in a row. And then I sat on my butt for ever. I thought it was just one calendar, because Bex got hers separately, but no!! It was both of them! Thank you amazon.co.jp!
Who has the T&T calendar and has also watched Formula 17? Let me just say: Swimming pool, underwater.
The K8 calendar is the best thing that has ever happened to the world! I will admit I like it more than the Takitsuba one. It took me 3 times the time to go through the K8 one than it did the T&T one. I am so glad they wrote the birthday messages in easy kanji so I could read them all. Speaking of birthdays, btw, my new birthday is every day of the week of June 5.
And as for the beanie man mystery...
IT IS HINA, MAN, IT IS SO HINA. The face screams Murakami!
Why this is Hina and not Ohkura:
1. Jaw and Chin - Ohkura does not have this much chin. Also, his jawline is not this steep and long. His jaw juts out more and is a little more angular.
2. Corner of mouth - I've hardly ever seen the corners of Ohkura's lips defined like this. Usually, it is more shallow.
3. Lips - Ohkura's lips are thinner and his bottom lip is a little crooked towards the left.
4. Nose - Everyone agrees this is Hina's nose!!
5. Cheek - Following Ohkura's bone structure, his cheek should not be highlighted this way.
6. Although not circled, where the hell are all of Ohkura's moles?!
Original:If this mystery person was really Ohkura, he would look more or less like this! But not as ugly:
It's Saturday, okay. Saturday is for doing nothing. Shut up, Megan and Emily.
Anyway, the K8 stand is too big for my desk, I won't be able to use it :( But for now, I've set it up to the page of June 5th. Subaru shoots through my heart. ズッキュン。