StarWars Ep. III Pros and Cons:

May 19, 2005 14:58

Pros: *Jarjar, for the brief moments he was there, didn't speak a damn word
*The graphics were not over the top and were actually damn good
*Droid humor (though some would say a bit to much)
*Many a bad-ass lightsaber battles
*Finally some closure to the series
*Jedi-slaughtering was pretty cool
*James Earl Jones returning as the voice of Darth Vader
*The Partial redemption of Episodes I and II (note the word "Partial")
* The trasformation from the three recent episodes of our generation to the three of 70/80's (the look of the ships, the look of the surviving characters, etc.) was done suprisingly well
*seeing baby luke and leia!!
*classic StarWars soundtrack (inclusing the Imperial March!!!)
*Anikan/the Emperors Transformantions was fun to see
*Acting wasn't half as bad as it had been in the previous two films

Cons: * Acting wasn't half as Good as it could have been in areas
*Jarjar didn't die
*Greviou's four legged wheel bike was dissappointing
*Grevious, himself, just plain sucked
*Bits of tedious subpar dialog
*Anikan, dispite his moodswings and emotional outbursts, still seemed to lack depth
*A mentally-deficient baby gorilla, tossing it's crap ten feet in the air in attempt to catch it in his mouth like a trained seal is more impressive then the text of the classic scrolling prologue.
*Obi wan whistiling to a bow-legged oversized reptile-bird, jumping 50 feet, mounting on it's back, and catching up with GRevious wheel bike I'm sure pleased hundreds of 11 year old episode I junkies. But for those of you with a slightly higher-than-elementary-school taste in movies, it was about retarded
*Darth Vader screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO(five minutes pass)oooooo!!!!!!" to the news of his recently deceased wife who he himself is faulted for was ridiculous and unfitting of his character in my opinion
*Some moments seem bleak in areas where it could have been helped. Simple things like fitting background music could have sufficed and made the scenes alot easier to digest.

Undetermined: *Some people just can't get enough of Yoda, understood. For the rest of us who lack obssession with the wrinkly 900 year old bat-eared freak and think he had more then his share of face time near the tail of Episode II, you in for a treat! ...extreme sarcasm that was, young jedi. ^_-
*the feeling of emptiness, not necessarily beause of how good or bad the movie was, but simply knowing that the Starwars films we know and (to some extent) love, has finally reached it's end

To be fair, I thought it was a good movie. Definetly a relief from I and II. If you're a Starwars fan, you should undoubtedly see it assuming you haven't already, if not but for the sake of telling your grandkid you saw it in theaters as a teenager.
I'm done starwars ranting for the time being...

-Seacrest, out
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