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Jan 27, 2008 17:55

So, its been a while. Its been an exhousting week that has made me think a lot and it has been good.
I just thould I'd share my ramblings about the world with you. Just wanted to remind myself that life is beautiful, that I love this land and this country and that I won't give up on her, that human life is sacred, that we do have free choice and that our choices are important, how holy am yisrael is, eretz yisrael, torat yisrael...
I had new insights into the song Ironic and discovered it is very deep. Because those moments where life does that to you, and when its with irony we feel it most, when its a free ride but you've already paid, thats when, if you listen, you realize that its G-d poking you on the shoulder, those can be the deepest moments of our lives. It is funny how the world helps you out sometimes. And its never what you expect.
I learnt that I need to trust in Hashem and in myself, to always be learning, to think, to listen, to be sensitive to this land and this people and to those who stumble upon us, to say thank You that our difficulties are what they are, that we are here, that we have moral standards to uphold and that we are striving to be that light to the nations, and some people will say we are failing miserably, I'll say, then let us fight for that, let us remind this country who she is, let us sing to her untill she opens her eyes, let us be proud of who we are and love, and remember that love always wins.
: )
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