Oy it was warm today. I'm probably only saying that because of my condition but it was nice to get some fresh air despite my constant sweating. I suppose it's only going to get worse from here on out because I'm going to be pregnant during the hottest months of the year. YAY! God bless air conditioning. I want to turn it on now, but the man will probably yell at me. "It's beautiful outside and you have to be a wuss and turn on the air conditioning?". I can just hear it now.
I wanted to grocery shopping today because the food in this apartment is not suitable. I've been feeling a bit crappy because I haven't been eating right. I made a very elaborate list today but decided not to go shopping because after all, it's memorial day and I have ZERO tolerance for stupid people at the grocery store.
Heres my top ten reasons I refused to cart my happy ass to the grocery store today:
1) Children running about everywhere. Being obnoxious and unsupervised. I want to deck them.
2) People that see someone they know in the store and have to stop DEAD IN THEIR TRACKS in front of you to chat.
3) Old people. They smell and they have to block the entire aisle with their friggin cart. What, you didn't see me? You can't move your cart 2 inches so I can get past you? And they walk v e r y s l o w l y.
4) People with 100000000 things in their cart that have to go to the automatic checkout thingies that hold up EVERYBODY.
5) People who walk slow. When I am in the grocery store, I want to get in and out. Not spend my mid-twenties there.
6) Parking. Need I say more?
7) I'd have to lug all that stuff up a flight of stairs and I know that sounds lazy, but you should see the list I made. Its a bit warm to do all of that by myself. My shopping buddy had to punk out on me because her baby was sleeping.
8) Low on gas. Um.....Have you SEEN gas prices?
9)I'm lazy
10) Crowds. And I'm grouchy. I'm liable to say something to someone. That would not end well.
ok, ok. so a couple of those might have sounded like excuses. And they probably were. But the grocery store MAKES ME ANGRY. And so, I will get off work tomorrow and take a leisurely Tuesday stroll through the grocery store as opposed to a rushed, headache-y I-want-to-kill-everyone-in-my-path-holiday-shopping-fest. That's always a good thing.
And so my overactive bladder is calling me and I might take a nice relaxing shower before the man comes home. I feel like getting frisky tonight. (it's been like a week. I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!)