Title: Dichotomy
Fandom: Haunted Hathaways
Summary: This is how Taylor saw Michelle and Ray. Established Michelle/Ray.
Word Count: 410
A/N: I’m starving for really good, really deep HH fic, so I decided to write my own. More to come, I hope.
This is how Taylor saw her parents.
Michelle was the crazy, Ray was the sane. Michelle was always hopped up on caffeine, bouncing off the walls, manic look in her eyes, bat crap crazy. Ray always had his hands in in his pockets, watching her with awe like the witness to a car crash. Then he would step in right when she needed to be talked down off the edge of a cliff. Taylor thought that for two people who had such different ways of dealing with things, they fit surprisingly well.
Michelle was the hot dog, Ray was the cool cat. The sentence “What kind of grades are these?” sounded different on both their lips. When her mother was upset, it was like a volcano erupting. When Ray was upset, it was like a chilly snow storm. It was almost the same when they were happy or having fun; Michelle would be on top of her lungs and gesticulating madly while Ray would smile silently and maybe do a little happy dance on spot, but no more.
Michelle was the leader, Ray followed. No wonder her mom had the guts to move to a new city and open a bakery on her own after divorcing Taylor’s dad. She was always the one with the ideas. Ray had some good ones too, but her mom took the cake. He was always enthusiastic to do what she came up with. That meant they hardly ever fought.
Michelle was the bawler, Ray was the sniffler. Whenever something tragic or emotional happened, Ray would hang back and wipe silent tears while her mother would make an almighty noise. It was kind of terrible that the parent who was almost always bawling down the place at school events was the only one that could be seen, but Taylor learned how to deal.
Michelle was alive, Ray was dead. It meant that their situation was unique, with its own unique problems. It meant touching was almost impossible. They worked around it, compromised, put up with each other’s shortcomings. Taylor thought her mom was brave for it. There would have been several other easier options, but she rejected all of them for love. Taylor thought it was the greatest love story never told.
Michelle was in love with a cool, kind, wonderfully calming ghost. Ray was in love with a crazy, talented, dynamic human. And Taylor knew they were the happiest they had ever been.