ohboyohboyohboy a meme

Jun 30, 2009 06:14

 1. If you write, fandoms you have written/are writing/plan to write and favorite ships.
Inuyasha: InuyashaxKagome(duh); Fullmetal Alchemist: EdxWinry, RoyxRiza; Kingdom Hearts: AkuRoku; Death Note: LightxL, MattxMello

2. Fandoms/Pairings you are ADDICTED to at the moment:
LightxL. Also, thanks to Deviantart and the new movie coming out, HolmesXWatson.

3. Fandoms/Pairings you like, but aren't necessarily obsessed with:
All of the above I was obsessed with at some point. XP

4. Fandoms/Pairings you're new to, but enjoying:
Sherlock Holmes and Merlin. ccording to the director of the latter, the shashiness WAS INTENDED, so it's not just me seeingt he world through yaoi-colored glasses.

5. You can choose one non-canon pairing you love to become canon (in a good way that the writers don't screw up). Who do you pick?
Ooooh man.I'd have to say LightxL or MattxMello. It could just have a fade to black, wake up in bed thing, I don't care!

6. You're only allowed to read fic from one fandom (any pairing) for the next three weeks. What fandom do you choose?
Death Note. It's most of what I read anyway.

7. You're allowed to refer to your favorite ship only by a shipper name. What ship is your favorite and what would you name them?
LightxL as L2. :)

8. Two of your fandoms are going to collide in a spectacular crossover. Which fandoms would you pick?
Death Note and X-men, which I am planning to write with mistyeyeddreamer.

9. You have to choose between reading bad porn about your fandom obsession of the moment, or no fic at all. What do you pick?
It would depend on what kind of mood I was in...>:)

10. You're asked to pick a theme song for one character/ship. What song do you pick, and for whom?
How about we borrow from my musical whore-ness, and say "Point of no Return" from Phantom for B and Misora. I've considered writing a crossover for the two of them.

11. It's 2 in the morning and you should be doing math homework. What kind of fic do you read instead?
in the words of the Zelda CDI games, "SOMETHING SPICY!!"

12. The ship that makes you go "Awww" is...
EdxWin,MelloxNear(as a brother-like relationship, usually),TohruxKyo (Ahh, Fruba..)

13. The ship that makes you want to yell, "Just have sex already, you morons!" is...
Soriku, AkuRoku, LightxL, RoyxRiza, HolmesxWatson....AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!

14. The ship you're probably going to hell for shipping is...
.....No comment.

15. The character you alternatively love to death and want to beat some sense into is...
I agree with many in saying Raito. And then, also Inuyasha, Ed, Zuko, and Holmsey.

16. The character you're almost embarrassed to admit you like is...
fat!L form the Deviantart crack-comic "L's Rampage". Search it, 'cuz the link won't copy.

17. Your very first fandom/ship was...
Probably InuxKag. It's the first one I really got into, anyway.

18. The fandom you could read any kind of fic in is...
I have standards. If something's really gross or disturbing, I don't read it.

19. The fandom you would totally write an anonymous Mary Sue fic in is...

20. The show you would bring back from cancellation...
Firefly/Serenity. Seriously, Joss, I want moooorrreee!

crack, meme, fanfiction

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