When will this end?

Feb 24, 2008 02:27

After spending another night with C in the hospital due to a fever of 104 and a very cranky disposition (very unusual for her), I came back home to find out that R TOO is running a very high fever and that EvilB claims to be on his dying bed as well.

The fact that I just held a very tired baby in my arms for 7 hours straight because mommy is NOT allowed to sit when C is not feeling well... besides the fact that I am up since 5 am almost TWO days ago...and the fact that I just had to deal with a cut over of all our DSL clients to a new OC3... I am still frakking UP taking care of R (who is finally asleep) and C who is NOT and her fever is NOT being brought down by motrin anymore. She has a severe ear infection and is howling like someone is killing her.

All I want to do is jump out of the window (preferably higher then a second floor).

How can I possibly think of handling a third kid? WTF am I thinking?!!


PS I ended up with the fever last night. the shakes the aches and everything else to go with it. poor Evil has not slept a wink last night from coughing his lungs out...
God Bless my mom for helping us out and coming to take care of the kiddies!!!!
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