Jul 28, 2005 09:55
Well on Monday night I headed over to my dear Loni's...we had a very nice night indeedy hehe...watched Hitch...the sad thing is I'd seen it before hehehe It is just soooo cheesy...seriously watch it just for the cliches that come out of Will Smith's mouth every 30 secinds...but the Albert guy is really sweet hehehe...Jill finished Anna's dress for her and it looks sooooo good! Soooo pretty!...talked muchly and that was about it really hehe
The next morning I woke up and said fare thee well and headed off with Jill home, Jill was also driving Nomi home due to her car being a right off after her crash. (Her and Tylor are fine though! hehe) Spent the day making CDs and finishing my skirt! But I still ahve to unpick a little pit cos a bits wonky....grr it;s very hard to hand sew a compliated skirt with all of 5 pins (2 of which are bent) for help!
That night I went to MPYT, picking up loni and siany on the way...The workshop was really good. Sterry is so funny...and the autumn show is goign to be sooooo good. anmd we will b good at keepy-uppy damn you! We will beat the Antigone score and we shall LAUGH!!!! Phrases of the night were 'Show us your spondge' and 'you spodgey, hairy, dumb-ass twat!'....though that one went bit far hahahaha and cathy gave me sister hazel which I LOVE!!! thank youuuu
Afterwards we all piled into Kris' car (we being Kris, piran, ella and tilly....oh yeah and me!) for I was to stay at the Treen's that night! There were 2 painful farewells as Tilly and Ella were dropped off at their personal, erm, drop off points...and we spent the night talking, bookign Bele and Sebastian tickets (woo!) and wtahcing sugar rush (dessert sex! eek!) ans sex and the city....fun all around! hehe
Had a strangley disturbed night...firstly I was feeling kidna rough so that didnt; helpo sleepage...the kris was up to ehr usually late-night antics...this time messing abotu with the crtains ans saying 'Who'd have THUNK it?!' and decidind she felt a big spider on ehr bed (after a search we discovered there was non) what that girl does in her sleep amazes me!!!
We woke up the next mornign and took the dogs for a walk in the woods. Once home I phoned just about everyone (inc travelline hehe) to fidn a way home and once that was sorted we went to hereford! popped into Primark and there are so mny thigns there I can;t wait to shop tomorrow hehe. Went tp costa coffee for a while...cute guyw ith chav girl...HOW?...lol...cute babies! hehe....ent to th dino market...how I love that place...I want to liev there....had lunch at greggs (cheap hehee) and fell in love with everythign at early learnign centre hehehe oooh piri bought me a fake icecube wih a fly in it! hehe I felt like his stylist what his the badges and whatniot hehehe Then they dropped me off in llandod (much singign and dancing on the way of course!)
We were kinda early for my bus so went to tp but were scared to go in and recieve the usual hugs and tea due to it being policy week so wrote a silly note and fled....got my bus and ;anded in rhayder safely...was happily sittign on a bench waiting for mutti to pick me up, reading my book and listening to sister hazel when sian williams turned up and kept me tqlking for ages and nothgin :-S grrr hehe
The plan last night was to go to bed early and update my seriously behind (real) diary...but for soem reason my brther and I stayed up till about 12:30 tryign to find all the places on the monopoly board on the map of london.....
Today am going to make things once more and possibly pop over to llandod to buy, wait for it..WELLIES! hehe