May 21, 2006 22:03
I've determined that I totally suck at packing. I can't get my head around it - when I open a closet and start taking things out, I realize how incredibly disorganized things are and i get all anxious and sick to my stomach. I'm so flippin OCD about organization and G is a total slob so our compr0mise has been keeping things out of sight, thus out of my mind LOL.
Add into it B2 being totally high needs lately - probably because of the move - so I'm getting next to nothing accomplished.
Yesterday after a totally stressful morning in which my phone went missing and I ended up running all over town missing everyone I needed to catch, because I couldn't call first, G agreed that he would do most of the packing and I'll take care of unpacking.
Mom gets here Weds night so I'll have her help for a couple of days - whew! The movers come at 8am on Saturday.
G's over at the house putting a swamp cooler in and if he finishes that, running a gas line for the dryer. I'm sitting here looking at the totally trashed, half packed house trying to do laundry and having a slight anxiety attack - LOL!