Mar 03, 2005 02:19
such an interesting thing happened to me....
a lady told me that i had a spirit that was of a baltic nomad.
and that i want to go very far away
by an ocean
and there i will find it
and she felt the textures of antiques.
And said that i had a young spirit and it will stay that way...
i guess erin was right, i will be dragged into adulthood kicking and screaming lol
I thought of taking a vacation to california... but i'm afraid that if i go there i'll never return... and if i do it'll be like hell.
I've been doing more illustrations. I've done another story. I have plans but God knows what they are, and i'm afraid he's not telling me.
My friend Janette caught a spider and told me i should come and get it before she killed it, and so i did. And so i have yet another spider. I went out and baught them crickets the other day... ....... . ... yeah.
Well... okay i think i'll stop before i start just... talking about a stapler or something.
..... my mom got a new stapler.