This is The Guilty Game. Next to the questions, put your answers as either guilty or innocent. Guilty if you have, innocent if you havent. Repost & see what others have or have not done!
got in a fist fight?: Guilty, Grade 7 Represent!
egged someones house?: Ee. Guilty.
did something illegal?: Oh dear. Guilty.
got arrested? Innocence!
been to jail?: I've been inside a police station.. Innocent.
been to court?: Innocent.
madeout with a stranger?: Guilty, so many times.
been sent to the emergency room?: Guilty!
gotten shitfaced?: Yeah, Guilty.
Gave a surprise party for someone?: Innocent.. I can't recall any surprise parties.
been to a keg party?: WTF.
been in love?: I dont know.
drank liquor?: Guilt.
Ever been caught doing something "dirty"?: Innocence!
Found money and kept it?: Yeah, guilty.
robbed someone?: Innocent.
smoked weed?: Innocent.
smoked ciggarettes?: guilty
met up with someone you met off myspace?: Guilty!
skipped school?: Guilt...
failed a subject in school?: Guilt.. ahh its getting to the stage where if you look at a word for too long it looks wrong.. :/
Told a family member to f*** off?: Guilty.
Lied to protect a friend?: Guilty.
Broke a bone?: Innocent.
stolen something?: Guilt.
madeout with someone of the same sex?: Guilty
dyed your hair numbers of times?: Guilt
watched a scary movie and screamed non stop?: Guilty.
told someone u liked them and they didnt like you back?: Guilty.
Drank until you passed out?: Guilty.
Fought over a boy/girl?: Not fought, more just plain disagreement.