Jan 22, 2004 08:50
Ok so here's the deal....she asked 5 questions which I will answer here.
1 - Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2 - I will respond with five questions.
3 - You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.
4 - You'll include this explanation.
1.If you could switch lives with one person(famous or not)for 1 week who would it be and why?
2.What was your best relationship and why?
3.If you were going on a trip which 5 cds would you have to bring.
4.What cartoon character would you do?Common everyone has at least one.
5.Who or what is most common in your dreams?Why do you think they or it is always there?
1)Jennifer Aniston- she is married to Brad Pitt..mmmmm....and of coarse she makes all that money!!
2)My husband because no matter what happens to us we always dig ourselves out of it TOGETHER!!
3)Kid Rock, Lit, Jewel, Outcast, of coarse the best of the 80's..(gotta love it)
4)I can honestly say I dont have one....never thought about it actually!
5)My grandpa used to be in alot of my dreams..I think it is because I never got to tell him goodbye and I feel that was my way...The last dream I had I told him goodbye and I havent dreamed of him since.