singing hills and other such sundry

Aug 13, 2010 21:01

I did not fall off of the Alps! Success! And, of course, that statement is built upon the sentiment that I CLIMBED a portion of the Alps. As such, I have now been deemed my group's coordinator as a 'Junior Mountain Goat.' It is a rather delightful feeling.

On our return trip from the Alps, our group visited Forchtenstein Castle, which, at least at this point during my month in Austria, has been the highlight of the trip. The reason why? Weapons. Piles upon piles of Austrian, Hungarian, Prussian, and French swords and muskets and cartridge cases and glass grenades. I saw an execution chair! It was truly fabulous, and I must someday return (not least of all because we didn't have time to visit the treasury there).

Pictures will hopefully be posted soon, once I've charged my camera and transferred them to my computer. Ciao!

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