A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."
I struggled to find 7, most people who know me reasonably well will know most of them too, but anyway here goes...
1. I don't have a passport.
2. I have never broken a bone - which, considering some of the silly things I've done in my time (including falling off an 18ft ladder onto concrete) is kinda lucky..
3. I'm a bloody good cook!! (even if I do say so myself!)
4. The amount of points you can have on your driving licence before being banned is 12 - I have 15!! ;o)
5. I'm ludicrously shy, especially where women are concerned..
6. I can juggle - I learnt how when I was in Youth Theatre, it was for 'Farmer Giles of Ham' (a J.R.R. Tolkien story for those of you who aren't aware..)
7. The name of the piercing that I bastardised for my username is Apydravya (or apadravya) I have one, if you need to know more just Google it.. (but probably best not to at work...)
I tag
cythron (hehehe!) and