This is a skincare/beauty product post!
As some of you may know, (by hearing me whine on Twitter,) for years I have had a lot of issue finding a product that would help my face.
My skin suffers from really annoying dryness. It is really just my forehead and the parts of my cheek close to the nose. It is very patchy and if I would scratch my forehead, a flurry of dandruff-like skin would float down. I tried lots of different scrubs to get the worst of it off, and a lot of heavy moisturizers to keep it from being dry. (Including a very, very expensive cream from Lush that I deeply regret. Lush is great, but that was a horrible match for me.)
Nothing helped and I hated wearing foundation because it seemed to just emphasize how bad those parts of my skin were. But then, I decided to look on Sephora and try another time to find something to work. And to my surprise, THEY DID.
LORAC makeupPREP Gentle Skin Resurfacer This is a scrub that doesn't call itself a scrub. You can definitely feel it when you use this. It is rough but never seems to go too far. It also has a built in sponge which is funky but cool. I also don't have to use it as often because it is so thorough.
First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream I was a bit nervous to try this, because my skin is pretty sensitive. A lot of the reviews mentioned it would be okay, so I bought the little 2 oz. bottle. I love it so much, you guys. It is really moisturizing without being heavy. It isn't greasy and I don't hate the smell.
Since the first time I used these two together, it was magic. I don't have face dandruff and I am confident with wearing makeup. I feel ridiculous making this post but I really recommend these two products if you suffer from crazy dryness!