Jul 12, 2010 00:02
- 01:09 Day 1 of Sidewalk Scrambled Jam complete, as is principal videography. Ingesting / converting overnight, editing tomorrow. Never again ;) #
- 01:17 @ MeshellLeslie of course you're at Above... harass Mark for me :) #
- 10:35 @ EatBHM every year @sidewalkfilm does a scramble- short film made entirely in 48 hours. This year it's videos for local musicians... #
- 12:42 @ EatBHM ahahaha... arrangements can be made :P #
- 12:57 @ StephOfOz published instead of punished... actually that's drunk appropriate :) #
- 14:25 just explained to the to-go lady at PF Changs that I didn't want the brown rice because my friend was a ricist. She got it, bless her... #
- 15:57 Holy Shnikeys... we're rendering. Team BTP pulls one out! Take that, @sidewalkfilm #
- 16:25 @ juliebenz Uhm... orange? ;) #
- 16:34 RT @nerdist: "Well if you can't get laid in Spain tonight then....you...have...poor sex skills... #literalconditionals" #
- 21:04 @ JezebelTheGreat re: polka dots- when did you start with the undies? :P #
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