An ode to life...

Dec 15, 2005 10:46

Finals are over as well is my first semester at UAB. I find it difficult to express just how transforming and different my first semester of college has been. Earlier this past summer, I asked for a change...and boy, did I get one! Here is a brief review of my experiences at UAB:

The Music Department...absolutely wonderful, for the most part. I definitely feel I made the right decision in coming here over Alabama. My favorite class by far, of course, has been Concert Choir. I knew this choir was impressive (having heard them before I came to UAB) but I had no idea of just how dedicated Dr. Copeland was to this choir. Here's to you Copie-T, for you've caused me to love choral music even more and your passion for music has inspired me to become more focused on my own music studies. (And by the way, Yes, I know I owe you money for the NYC trip and I will have it for you tonight at rehearsal.) Besides the wonderful direction of Dr. Copeland, I have been blessed to be part of a group with such fine musicians and more than that, just excellent people in general. I've made many true friendships through the choir and the music department but I know there are many I have yet to get to know. Hopefully, I will be able to do that in the future. As for my final spiel on choir, I'm really excited about ACDA...I know we're going to impress the pants off some people!
As for the rest of the music department, all of the faculty has been really welcoming and has made me feel "at home" here in what was, for the first few weeks, a new, strange, and intimidating city. I've learned a lot of new things this year from the music department and I hope to continue to do so.

Accademics...never my strongest suit of course. I'm not even sure if I spelt "accademics" right. Anyways, I think I did an average job as usual (B's mostly) and I know I need to step up my game. Procrastination is usually my downfall. Oh well, there is always next semester.

Friends...I have made the most amazing friendships at UAB since coming here, mostly through the music dept. They are some of the most crazy, random, fun, and all-around great people that I've ever met. All I can say is, I can't wait for the Messiah after-party!! (I'm not even going to get onto the subject of The Messiah, since other individuals in the choir *cough MBV* have the same opinion as me and have already expressed it in a very subtle way...)

Anyways, moving on...I can't leave out one very special person I met in the middle of this semester. Nick. Thank you for being the goofy, funny, caring, spontaneous (you're not predictable!), and loving person that you are. I'm so glad I met you :)

And last but not least, an ode to Birmingham: The city of the vulcan and of iron, oh how many times have I getten lost inside of your city-limits (and usually on the bad side of town!) How many times have I almost been hit by a car while crossing the street? How many days have I walked in the swealtering southern humidity or the freezing rain, just to get to a class? Oh Birmingham, how many times have your sirens and *&@# UAB Construction, awoken me during the night or early hours of the morning right before the day of a big test? Oh yes, Birmingham, you have many flaws, but for some odd reason, I have never felt so "at home" as I do in your city. So thanks Birmingham...thanks a lot.

Okay, I guess that wasn't so "brief" of a review. I could have made it longer however but I'm not very good with words. All I can say is: "UAB's got Soul...I love my UAB!"

**Oh, and to all of my Madisonian friends, don't worry...I miss you all and I'm excited about coming home and seeing you all again. And what is this I hear about a cocktail party or something and where's my invitation?!**
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