Jul 19, 2010 21:55
Well, poop: it's almost bedtime and I don't have time to type up a post which is seemingly overdue since I haven't updated since last Tuesday. I had a very full weekend, too. Maybe tomorrow. Instead of watching Magnum tonight I should have been updating LJ, but I had to make it to the end even though I knew it was going to be Robert Loggia all along...*sighs*
In other news, I'm going to create a real estate filter one of these days, like some of my friends have done in the past, to discuss potential house-buying. So if you'd like to be on it, let me know. I am going to be a little selective as to who I add since there's going to be frank discussion of money and such. And there are some of you I'll put on there whether you tell me you want to be added or not, just because I've read all about your own real estate matters over the years.
Anyway, it's almost ten, and I'm going to try and read a bit of Sherlock Holmes before going to bed.
Tonight I prepared and then ate one of the biggest BLTs in history.