Best of 2009

Dec 25, 2009 10:15

December 24 Learning experience. What was a lesson you learned this year that changed you?

I'm not really very different now than I was a year ago so I'm not sure I learned much of substance in 2009. I did learn that the older we get, the more awkward, painful things we'll have to have to confront: death, divorce, etc. I'm sure I'll learn this more and more as time goes by, but it seems that 2009 has been the worst year thusfar for that type of thing. Of course I learned some good things, too, but I don't feel like there were many "lessons."

This reminds me of that old Chris Farley SNL skit where he's interviewing Paul McCartney, awkwardly, and he asks McCartney, "Remember when you wrote that song that said the love you take is equal to the love you make?" [or something like that] and McCartney says yes, and Farley says, "Is that true?" Hee! So, you know, what I'm trying to say is that lessons like that are continually learned.

December 25 Gift. What's a gift you gave yourself this year that has kept on giving?

Hm, as you know, I spent most of my "mad money" on travel this year. Material things I bought include some CDs, some books (though not many of either), some yarn...2009 wasn't really a year for 'stuff.' I might have to say running shoes: I bought one pair at the beginning of the year and then upgraded to a new pair a while back when I'd put a bunch of miles on the first pair. I still wear the first pair for walking around, and the second pair continues to please me when I'm out pounding the pavement. That phrase sounds naughty. Anyway, my answer is comfortable shoes. And of course all the travelling was very special, too.

best of 2009

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