-29- [Video]

Oct 25, 2011 16:42

[The camera's turned on, but there's no much happening yet. Just a shot of the sky over the deck. Beatty sighs a bit off screen and then there's a soft sound, like a thud. Faint trickling of liquid and then the flick of a lighter. The camera still hasn't moved. It's not until the unmistakable sound of fire really starts to get going that his hand grips the camera and moves it to show the small campfire sized hill of books, all aflame. There are a great deal of different titles on them. Some are from the library, some are borrowed. Some of them have titles that are very familiar to those who are from books. Fahrenheit 451 is, or was, at the top, and is now burning into ashes, but there are others, including Shakespeare's Othello, 1984, and any others that would likely be there.]

How we covet what's here. These pages, these words. It causes nothing but confusion, unhappiness, a distinct lack of order. Some of you think you might be in these pages. Some of you aren't. But it doesn't matter, really. [He reaches into the flames and takes what's left of his book, smudging his fingers with ash. He doesn't even seem to notice that his hand emerged bright red.]

This is all you are. Ash. Burn away what they know. Burn away the knowledge that they shouldn't have and all that's left is you.

But do you see the turmoil here? Those who are blessed to think themselves real? Those who don't have to have their entire lives violated in such a way?

So...listen. You don't have to live this way. You don't have to be discontent. Be happy. Be free. Freedom is escaping the claws of these books. To rid yourself of having to think.

[He uses the flame to light a cigarette and sits back, shutting the camera off.]

[OOC: Here's more information on what books are in this pile.]

we are the happiness boys, ray bradbury is the devil, rantings of an old man, playing with fire, burn the ashes, i have a soapbox, destroying the books, burn 'em to ashes, your books make you insane, cigarettes and smoke

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