Nov 02, 2002 20:40
It's been a while since my last entry, so I decided maybe I should write something. My friend, Rob (from the Army), has FINALLY been sent home on medical discharge. Yeah! He's going to come visit me within the next week or two. Life other than that has been boring as hell, but oh well. I was stuck at Denny's the other day with Brian for 19 1/2 hours straight. My friend was supposed to pick me up at 8:30am and never showed up (she was probably half asleep when we made plans). I called out of work at 10am for lack of knowledge as to when and how I was getting home. I finally got a ride at 4:30pm from my friend, Kevin. That is the most intriguing thing that has happened to me (aside from obtaining a boyfriend) in the past month. I also met this really funny, cute, awesome guy at Denny's (where else). His name is Brian (mentioned above in the "stranded at Denny's section). He's half Irish and half Scottish. I now have a boyfriend! He's great! He's really funny and he's just plain awesome! Well, I have to go back to work. Later.