Jun 15, 2010 22:00
- 10:25 RT @BPGlobalPR: Opening more wells in the Gulf! We're drilling for ALL the oil down there to ensure this never happens again. #4yoursafety #
- 10:32 @ paraplegicracer :( Hope everything is ok. #
- 10:36 Agreed. RT @gabrielcain: #is10 @andysack, they are not geekettes, they are geeks. Male or female. #
- 10:39 Agreed. RT@maida_mac #is10 @andysack said the Seattle startup scene needs more geekettes. U mean women geeks, if you aren't being dismissive #
- 10:40 LOL RT @darkmane: Just to remind you: 1/2 of people surveyed on Facebook use Social Media. #
- 10:41 RT @FakeAPStylebook Readers appreciate exclusive content. Demonstrate the value of yours by forcing them to navigate log-in & sign-up pages. #
- 10:43 LOL!! RT @BPGlobalPR: Seeing how a lot of these Congressmen believe the oil we spilled was only 5000 years old, I should be just fine. ^Tony #
- 10:46 Strongly considering weening myself from the iPhone/AT&T KoolAid in favor of delicious, refreshing, generic Android Flavor Aid. #
- 10:49 iPhone 4 is slick and all, but the strong innovation will come from versatility & openness. So today I will not be pre-ordering. #
- 10:50 Incidentally, a little known fact -- the cultists of Jonestown did not drink KoolAid. It was in fact the thriftier Flavor Aid. In bulk. #
- 11:43 @ maida_mac An expert is just someone who reads a crapton of books & regurgitates. You should do it (give a talk on geek girls vs boys-clubs) #
- 13:04 RT @nGenera: RT @dtapscott: New initiative: SAVE the GULF. (Yes I'm behind it) Please join now! bit.ly/b9xreC #e2conf #ngenera #
- 13:05 RT @Ainmer: Beautiful and horrifying oil in the water: bit.ly/afQFZd #
- 14:58 @ Ainmer Congrats. I'm proud of you, and of course, not surprised. :) #
- 15:41 Forgiving female geek forgives. Thanks! :D RT @maida_mac: RT @andysack: #is10 Let me be clear -- Seattle startup scene needs more women. #
- 15:57 Jumping down helpful male feminists' throats 4 mistakes may not be the best way 2 meet our ends. How to express perspectives w/o crankiness? #
- 15:58 Obviously @andysack had good intentions & didn't realize the perspective of women. I make similar mistakes regarding race. His ability to... #
- 15:59 ...realize this and clarify his point, and hopefully understand our perspective is admirable. As is his original intent. #
- 17:49 @ paraplegicracer I would but you live far, far away. #
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