Feb 25, 2010 21:52
Weather sucks. I hate weather. I hate it a lot. It is times like these that Arizona almost looks like a place I want to live. Walking back from campus just now was absolutely horrible. Not only was it dark (so I had to take the long way - the non-rapist way - home), and cold (something which is only welcomed during October - about 8% of the year), and raining (hard. and my umbrella-holding-hand froze), but it was also so windy that the rain fell sideways and my umbrella kept popping backwards and I think it broke and it is the really cute one! Poo……..
Arizona’s not really the place for me though, I don’t think. Maybe when I’m a really old person.
Also, I need some waterproof shoes. It re-came to my attention this afternoon that I have never, ever, ever, owned waterproof shoes.
And something else just re-came into my attention and that is the reason why I don’t really want to spend my life in Arizona: I was just now proud of the fact that I have never owned waterproof shoes (“haha, that’s because I’m from Arizona!” I thought nonsensically), and that is the extent of Arizona’s culture. That, and we’ve seen more cacti than you have.
Soooooo, where shall I live? WHO KNOWS. I have been alive for 21, almost 22, years now and for all of that time I have known what I will be doing with my life in the near future. Until now. Now, when I think about my future, I see myself doing ___________. …I can’t live like this! The suspense is killing me! No, seriously, beginning September 1st my life plans drop off into a pit of darkness and…other bad things that look like monsters from where I’m standing, and its like I can’t find a flashlight, nonetheless the batteries to put in the flashlight, and I don’t even want to talk about where I am going to get the money to buy the batteries with.
I just feel like there are a long list of things which are stressing me out right now… The weather and my future are somewhere near the bottom, so I don’t know why I chose to write about them. Actually, yes I do. It is because I want my post to be funny and I know that if I talk about serious things it wouldn’t be funny (kind of like this paragraph). I would be really disappointed in its lack of funny-ness, and it’s the disappointment that’s on the very top of the list.
You know the subject of this post? I made that quote up all by myself! Its funny, right? :-P