Jan 29, 2007 10:38
I always tell myself that, if I were to get pregnant at the wrong time, I would have no problem with having an abortion. After all, it's just a cluster of cells with no personality or anything... what is so wrong with ending something that never began?
Last night in my dream, however, I realized I was pregnant. I had never had sex, so I didn't know how that could be. I wasn't ready to have a baby because I was still in college. When I thought about having an abortion, however, I couldn't do it. I couldn't think of killing this cute, innocent child, even though I had spent my whole life telling myself that it would be no problem. I decided to have the baby. Throughout the whole dream, my belly had been growing so that it was now time to have the baby. As I was on my way to the hospital, I suddenly remembered that I had been raped. This was a rape baby. I suddenly wished I could go back and have an abortion but it was too late. Then I woke up.
That was a pretty intense dream for me. My dreams are usually stupid compilations of the subjects that crossed my mind during the day - all scrambled together so that they don't make any sense. I've never been pregnant in my dream before, and I never, for one second, thought that I would decide against abortion.
They say that happens to pregnant mothers. But I never believed them, 'till now.