I like to eat. A lot. I love to cook and bake, but for me that's pretty much all about the end result, where I take off the apron and enjoy. And I have a hell of an appetite. Those who know me irl know this especially well, like when a bunch of us are returning from a restaurant and everybody but me has a little container of leftovers. Or when I go to the all you can eat sushi place. Also, Hero Burger might just be the best thing ever. (Smoked provolone on my veggie burger? Yesplz. And tasty fries and the only $5 milkshake that's actually worth $5 I've ever had.) Food is a big pleasure to me, in a lot of ways.
And that's really a pretty huge privilege. I have it because I'm thin. Because when a fat person enjoys food, especially in public, it's not seen as a happy person doing something pleasurable, or even a regular person doing something that all bodies need to live. A damn lot of people don't want fat people to eat at all.
Ever. Food isn't just for thin people. Neither is love. Or seating. Or health. Or, for that matter, dignity. Taking pictures of people in public, without their consent, then cropping out their heads to show their bodies as horrors to make War Against is something that should disgust anyone with any concept of human dignity. People should not be denied medical care because their bodies are not deemed ideal in appearance. The fact that that needs to be stated should be an outrage to everybody.
This is something that should matter to everybody.
Also, read this.