This one's been floating around for a long, long time. But, as these posts often do, it takes a specific thing to make me point out, once again, that the game is fucking fixed.
So yeah. Makeup. And
this damn thing. Ten "scary celebrity closeups" *cue spooky theremin*. All I'm seeing are nine women who adhere to the standards of beauty and Iggy Pop
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IDK. Basically what I'm trying to say is, Rarity is a my favorite MLP and fuck anyone who hates her for being too girly or "high maintenance".
That said, I don't go out with my nails chipped, so. Those are an everyday kind of requirement. And I am maybe a makeup obsessive who need to get off their ass and start that makeup blog. (I have very vehement opinions on makeup for a reason.)
"High maintenance" is douchebag code for "makes me resent the level of their appearance I am appreciating by acknowledging that it is work".
Also, fuck yeah, eyelash curlers.
Hee! My requirement is that I re-paint as soon as it seems like there's going to be more nail than polish showing. That "nooooooo, my hands are gonna be blank! :(" reaction. XD
The hard end bits of my fingers need to be a color worth idly staring at when I have nothing else to occupy me. :P
My way of keeping my hands from being sad and hurty is painting my nails, actually! If they're painted, I don't want to gnaw on them, and if I'm not gnawing my nails, I don't generally start gnawing my cuticles.
That's how I got into nail polish. I will be too fancy to mangle! (See also: tattooing over self-injury spots.)
I tried that in an attempt to stop biting my fingernails. Turns out, I found scraping the nail polish off with my teeth to be just as satisfying, and then I bit my nails. I suspect the only thing that'd actually get me to stop at this point would be to medicate me sufficiently with anxiolytics to the point where I'm incapable of feeling stressed at all, and...yeah, let's not do that. Nails aren't worth it. :D
There is a mixed message in society, "Girls, look your best! Be thin and wear make up and do your hair and nails and wear fashionable clothing; but God help you if you come across as vain" And Rarity falls into that trap.
She is a motivated business owner, a creative artist, and generous. Awesome pony. And yet, gets hated on for being girly. Fffffuuuuuuu everyone who hates her.
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