This one's been floating around for a long, long time. But, as these posts often do, it takes a specific thing to make me point out, once again, that the game is fucking fixed.
So yeah. Makeup. And
this damn thing. Ten "scary celebrity closeups" *cue spooky theremin*. All I'm seeing are nine women who adhere to the standards of beauty and Iggy Pop
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We get our makeup kits and what pisses me off the most? SO MANY NEUTRAL, NATURAL COLORS. Fuck that shit! I wear makeup to play with color! I wear browns that look good with my skin tone sometimes, but it's got some glitter in it. ;)
Every time we did a full face application on each other at school, I was five minutes later, scrubbing it the hell off. (And still getting foundation the next day, ugh!) I don't understand this need to cover my face with a ton of makeup and heaven forbid I touch and ruin that effect! No, damnit. I use foundation just because I don't have eye primer to keep my eye shadow looking good. And my eye shadows? Blues, silvers, golds, purples and greens mostly. White and blue and black eye liner. I want that shit to look obvious.
I also scorn my concealer. I have three zits right now. I continue to scorn the concealer. I am not ugly because I have a zit, thank you very much.
My concealer uses: that weird patch on my chin that sometimes darkens and makes people ask me if I have a bruise; when Gatsby woke me last week by scratching my face (thanks jerk); and occasional hickies. Not just regular skin stuff.
I share your annoyance with them.
I'm so happy dating a guy who doesn't care about the makeup I wear. I love how I'm not being balked at for wearing what my definition of full makeup is if I feel like it.
I really hate when men share their opinion on makeup. If I wanna not wear makeup one day, I don't. If I want to have bright red lips or obnoxiously colored eyeshadow another day, fuck you I'm gonna do it and I'm not trying to impress anyone. Women doing what makes them happy? Oh, the horror!
(Though I do love that g026r is supportive/sartorially obsessed enough to understand my need for a perfect red lipstick, and that he was willing to tear apart a Sephora with me to find it. (NARS Pure Matte in Vesuvio, incidentally)
So sad that my perfect lipstick is a LE MAC shade :(
Which shade?
Viva Glam Cyndi. It perks up my lips perfectly.
I also hate surprise shimmer in lipstick (or nail polish). It's fine if I know it's there, but I hate thinking it's a cream finish and it's all "Surprise, fucker! Now you glitter like a Twi-vamp!"
Surprise Shimmer in lip products drives me crazy. I rarely want sparkly lips >:|
Agreed. I usually go for matte red, Benetint or Viva Glam Gaga (the first one) if there's going to be colour. Otherwise, lip balm. I have like one sparkly lip thing that I actually wear by Burt's Bees, but it's pretty sheer (Radiance Lip Shimmer).
I'm a gloss fiend :D
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