This one's been floating around for a long, long time. But, as these posts often do, it takes a specific thing to make me point out, once again, that the game is fucking fixed.
So yeah. Makeup. And
this damn thing. Ten "scary celebrity closeups" *cue spooky theremin*. All I'm seeing are nine women who adhere to the standards of beauty and Iggy Pop
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If one likes it and it boosts one's confidence, then why not? (That is, as long as one's sense of self-worth doesn't rely on it exclusively; that's a bit unhealthy.)
I'll admit I get incredibly delighted by the fact that I can paint my eyelids silver and go out like that, but it's again, optional. For everyone.
I think it's really cool that some people dress up and some dress down and there are all kinds of styles within those two vague categories. It's kinda like everyone has a little piece of their brain on the outside so everyone can see the different colors and objects and designs they like!
YES. A loud NO is still a statement.
It's kinda like everyone has a little piece of their brain on the outside so everyone can see the different colors and objects and designs they like!
I like that. A smallish, portable display of what's in there.
So much this. It's one of those things that no one can really get out of. Even if you dress really plainly because you just can't be bothered, that displays that you can't be bothered. So chill, people. :P
I like that idea a lot, too. The human form is so awesomely customizable to those ends, and it's awesome.
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