It's kind of interesting to think about how far back we've really gone when it comes to sex within the last few years. I mean, I remember that condoms weren't this weird taboo thing, and the idea of women fucking because they want to was actually like relatively common. Like Salt-n-Pepa songs. And Left Eye from TLC with her condom eyepatch.It
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Cat Marnell's column, to me, mainly stinks of the trope of Unbalanced Woman Exhibits Her Dysfunction To World For Their Titillation And Disapproval. There are two main flavors: The Unhappy Single "Girl" (also see Lori Gottlieb, or any number of unattached 20-something women in Manhattan who've written this kind of piece), or The SAHM Going Slowly Crazy (Ayelet Waldman etc.). It's an old trope, dating back to at least True Confessions, probably earlier.
Camille Paglia revived her grossly undeserved career for a while on Salon. I don't know if they run her swill anymore; I haven't seen it or heard about it lately.
The last decade has been absolutely toxic to feminism. But I've been seeing notions such as "privilege" and "mansplaining" pushing into non-feminist and even non-liberal spaces more and more. Plus even some acknowledgment in the MSM - Mad Men does not romanticize the pre-feminist era at all, and it's a huge hit; meanwhile, Pan Am is following in Mad Men's footsteps in more than just aesthetic.
I am hoping for an explosive and furious Fourth Wave, and soon.
"Pretty faces were making signs, giving speeches, organizing crowds, handing out food, singing, dancing, debating, hugging and marching." Amazing how the language never changes. It's a very thin veneer of "I love women, I love their beautiful bodies and faces, women are my favorite things in the world" over a massif of "Shut up and get on your back, bitch, that's all you're good for," and being attuned to it makes you into a "misandrist" because HDU interfere with the sacred male prerogative of ogling T&A.
Greatest Generation patriarchs, Baby Boomer d00dz, Gen-X neckbeards, millennial douchebros... same shit, different era.
(Though to be fair, there's also white feminist fail. A whole other story.)
God I HATE that shit.
Why are men so fucking afraid of interacting with women as equals? They have to reduce us to childlike objects.
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